
Beit Ahavah Community Chanukah Events

Please join us for any of these wondrous happenings!

Chanukah begins Thursday, December 10 and concludes Friday, December 18,
starting on the 25th of Kislev 5781.

1st Night of Chanukah

Thursday, December 10, 5:00 p.m.
Light the 1st Candle of Chanukah
with your self, friends, family wherever you are from sunset to bedtime…
OR kindle the love with Rabbi Riqi on Zoom.
Register for the Zoom link here.

2nd Night of Chanukah

Friday, December 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Shabbat Chanukah Service & Human Rights Shabbat
led by Rabbi Riqi Kosovske with Alice Levine and community members.
Register for the Zoom link here.

3rd Night of Chanukah

Saturday, December 12, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Havdalah Havurah: Chanukah Stories Night! 

Uplifting, humorous and poignant Yiddish and modern Jewish short stories about Chanukah, as we do Havdalah and light Chanukah candles together. To be a reader for one of the stories, contact Andy at  Suitable for adults and teens, some stories might not be suitable for children.
Register for the Zoom link here.

4th Night of Chanukah

Sunday, December 13, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Chanukah-wide Community Celebration & Candle-Lighting:
Kindle the Love! Songs, Dreidels + “Herschel & the Hanukkah Goblins” – A play. 

Join forces with Beit Ahavah community, RUACH Returns & all our friends for our first and we hope last-ever COVID-times Kindle the Love Festival of Light celebration – let us make light and joy in the darkness, kindle the love and celebrate the miracle of dedication of light, life, laughter and holy community to heal the world!
Register for the Zoom link here.

To be in the Beit Ahavah Players cast, contact Rabbi Riqi at
Generous funding by Harold Grinspoon Foundation Family Grant.

5th Night of Chanukah

Monday, December 14, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
BAFTY Teen Chanukah Event!

Play dreidel, games and improv-ahavah with Heidi Haas & Rabbi Riqi, and open Surreptitious Sufganiyah gift bags with TEENS grades 6-8 & 9-12!
Generous funding by Harold Grinspoon Foundation Teen Grant. 
Register for the Zoom link here.

6th Night of Chanukah

Tuesday, December 15, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
The Spinning Dreidel: Neohasidic Chanukah Text Study with Rabbi David Seidenberg.

An afternoon of learning with Reb Duvid about the existential spiritual aspects of the dreidel, Chanukah, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teachings and “the revolving wheel of redemption”. We will explore and challenge traditional Chanukah lyrics with regard to BLM, ecology and anti-war theology. 
Register for the Zoom link here.

7th Night of Chanukah

Wednesday, Dec 16, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Judith Menorahs, Cheese & Women’s Radical Resistance led by Rabbi Riqi Kosovske! 

Embody the energy of Judith the Heroine of the Maccabean Revolt with an interactive presentation, and bring in the customs of radical resistance menorahs and art, Midrashic women’s sheroic stories, and Chanukah customs of cheese, wine, sword and oil.  If you want to plan ahead, prepare traditional or creative cheesy-symbolic foods, such as Molly Parr’s recipes here, or sephardic recipes here, and eat fried cheese and cheese ball-olive-sword skewer hors d’oeuvres in the tradition of Judith.
Register for the Zoom link here.

8th Night of Chanukah

Thursday, December 17, 5:00 p.m.
Outdoor HuMenorah – Outdoor candle-lighting in front of Beit Ahavah.

Socially distanced with masks, weather permitting, led by Andy & Michele Morris-Friedman.  Limited number can attend, must pre-register.  Watch for details.