Dreaming Up High Holydays 5781~2020

REGISTER for Services, Resources & Sign-ups:

Click on the buttons to register; the Zoom link will be sent to your email.

High Holydays GIVING

Be an apple, an apple-tree, a bushel, a honey jar, a shofar, a pomegranate, a grove, a Torah! We need all of you to help us exist this year. All our events are free, but we rely on every level of giving from every community member, visitor, friend. Thank you for your generous support.

High Holydays RESOURCES

Yizkor Memorial Service

We join congregations around the world in this meaningful ritual of reciting names on Yom Kippur; this year with optional photos.  (Please submit by Sept 21.) “So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us, as we remember them.” – Rabbi Sylvan Kamens and Rabbi Jack Reimer.

Yom Kippur Food Drive

This year our food drive is for the Springfield-based “New Americans Program” run by Jewish Family Services (JFS) of Western MA, to support refugee families who arrived before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for more information!

Honors & Involvement!

Please click this form to participate during services and events — a reading, poem, shofar, Torah or one of the many other honors.

Volunteering & “Holy Schleppers”

Please click to sign up to help with time slots to be a Beit Ahavah Holy Schlepper.

Elul Reflections

Elul Reflections: Elul is the Hebrew month leading up to the Jewish new year, for spiritual preparation. “Elul” stands for “Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li” – “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is to me.”  If ever there was an Elul when embodying love for each other and for ourselves was called for, we think this is the time. Explore these uplifting kavannot/intentions:

  • Hear shofar here, by our Baal Tokeiya Phil Korman, or blow shofar in your own practice if you have a shofar. Awaken the soul!
  • Elul Events: Check the Beit Ahavah calendar, Highlights, Facebook page and emails for Slichot services, poetry and panel discussions on racial justice, communal responsibility and personal growth.
  • Elul Coloring Pages: Nurture your soul and reflect on the year that is ending while enjoying the gift of these beautiful coloring pages courtesy of artist Joanne Fink. Check out Joanne’s work at www.zenspirations.com.
  • Elul Reflections, Poems & Personal Questions: Rabbi Sabine Meyer of Tree of Life Reform Congregation, Columbia, SC shares daily collected wisdoms from rabbinic voices here.
  • Rabbi Jill Zimmerman created a free guided workbook you can download called Return: 30 Days Reflection.
  • The Women’s Rabbinic Network (WRN) is offering new daily videos by women rabbis for WRN Elul Reflections.  Sign up to get the daily email here or watch here.