Highlights – September 2016
Sunday, September 18, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Apple-picking for Families with young children (ages 0-6), at Art in the Orchard, 82 Park Hill Rd, Easthampton. Help spread the word and invite new families! Join Amy Meltzer, Marlene Rachelle, Rabbi Riqi, Judi Wisch, Lois Peirent and more for singing, apple-picking, shofar blowing and a fun outing. For more info, contact Amy Meltzer at amy@abundancefarm.org.
Sunday, September 18, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. RUACH Kick-Off & Community Gleaning Trip with Rachel’s Table, for grades 3-8 and families, adults and teens welcome. SPACES AVAILABLE. Travel by bus to a farm in Williamsburg or Amherst to glean fruits and vegetables and deliver to a food pantry. Additional drivers will carpool. This is a great Tikkun Olam project – all welcome. Please RSVP to Rabbi Riqi for trip details.
Thursday, September 22, 4-5:30 p.m. 1st day of Hebrew Havurah, for grades 3-7, taught by Moreh Kenny Hahn, Rabbi Riqi and others.
Tot Shabbat & Tot Sha-Potluck returns, led by Marlene Rachelle with Rabbi Riqi, plus Shabbat Ice Cream Party for a sweet New Year. Tot Shabbat is the monthly musical hour welcoming the Sabbath for families with kids ages 0-6 & their friends. Bring a nut-free vegetarian dish to share, and pizza is provided.
Friday-Saturday, September 23-24 – A Bar Mitzvah Weekend and “Poetry of Elul Shabbat” featuring poetry and liturgy to bring us into the new year season of the soul – see below for details.
Friday, September 23, 6:00 p.m. Early Kabbalat Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Riqi Kosovske (on the 4th Friday of the month), Parshat Ki Tavo. The D’var Torah will be “Poetry of Elul” by poet Dane Kuttler who will share from her book “The Social Justice Warrior’s Guide to the High Holy Days.” More information about Dane’s work is at www.danepoetry.com. The Oneg is sponsored by Julie Reiss.
Saturday, September 24, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Shabbat Morning Service and Bar Mitzvah Celebration of Theo Abrams, Parshat Ki Tavo, followed by a Kiddush lunch sponsored by the Abrams-Fantini. All are welcome!
Saturday afternoon, September 24, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Poetry Salon. Join us for our first Shabbat Poetry Salon, for “Branches & Roots – Poetree of Life” with spoken word poet Rachel Kann of Los Angeles. More information about Rachel’s work is found at www.rachelkann.com. Held at the home of Kenny Hahn and Sharon Saline.
Saturday, September 24, 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Community Slichot Service: “Tools for Healing Self, Other & World,” to prepare for the Holidays. Led by Rabbi Andrea Cohen-Kiener of Temple Israel of Greenfield, Rabbi Riqi Kosovske, Rabbi Justin David (CBI) and Rabbi Ben Weiner (JCA), with Cantor Diana Brewer and visiting Poet Rachel Kann of Los Angeles. A Havdalah and musical program, service and refreshments. This year Slichot is hosted by Temple Israel of Greenfield at 27 Pierce Street, Greenfield.
Friday, September 30, 7:30 p.m. Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Riqi Kosovske (on the 5th Friday of the month), Parshat Nitzavim. The Oneg is sponsored by Terese Katz. The B’nei Mitzvah Class Families Shabbat Dinnerwill precede the service at Beit Ahavah at 6:15 p.m.