High Holydays 5782 ~ 2021


**Kol Nidrei services are now ONLINE ONLY due to inclement weather! Zoom links are sent automatically upon registration**

Registration is REQUIRED to attend any High Holydays services/events (whether in-person or virtual).


High Holyday Giving

Be an apple, an apple-tree, a bushel, a honey jar, a pomegranate, a grove, a Torah! We need all of you to help us exist this year. All our events are free, but we rely on every level of giving from every community member, visitor, friend. Thank you for your generous support.

Family Services

We are thinking of this holiday in this unique year like a real “festival” with multi-access and “Hi-Ho Camp.” First we want everyone to be safe, while allowing community celebration and connection in different ways. Kids & families are especially welcome to all events including Evening and Morning Services which begin at 10:30 a.m. (please do not arrive before 10 a.m. because the backyard is used by Cloverdale Preschool until 9:30 a.m.). Our Services will be led by Rabbi Riqi Kosovske with Singers in the fully-fenced backyard behind the church, and livestreamed to Zoom. There will be an Apples & Honey Kids Crafts Tent and playground. Children are always welcome to sit with their parents and enjoy the music and spirituality, explore the fenced yard quietly, or attend the Apples & Honey Kids Craft Tent, Chagall Tissue-Paper Window Art Project led by Lois Peirent, or events like a Nature Scavenger Hunt led by teens.

Before 11 a.m. on both RH and YK, Rabbi Riqi will announce the start of the Family Service led by Anna Sobel taking place in the FRONT YARD — a concert-like musical dance party service with puppetry, songs, drumming, movement, and prayers! Children 2+ and their grown ups are asked to keep their masks on during Family Services.  PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to attend on Zoom, you must register for the link for RH HERE and the link for YK HERE. Then, families will be invited back to the backyard for the Shofar service in and conclusion of Torah service and singing, and the Apples & Honey Kiddush at 12:30 p.m. (we will have juice, small bags of dried apples and honey, individual member-baked challah rolls and snacks.)

This year, we embrace radical renewal. Just as the monarch butterfly – the parpar malka – emerges from her chrysalis transformed, so too are we entering an entirely new stage of life after most of a year inside and isolated. We have crafted our services this year to reflect, honor, and embrace that concept, rather than shy away from it.

We are so excited to have you join us as we welcome in 5782! Unless otherwise notified, all services are scheduled to be held both in-person outdoors in the beautiful backyard of Beit Ahavah (130 Pine St, Florence, MA 01062) and livestreamed to Zoom. We are staying up-to-date on COVID safety and regulations (see the “Covid-19 Safety Updates” button above or “Updates” section below).

As always, there is no required contribution to attend our High Holyday services – we believe spiritual experiences should be accessible for all. However, for those who are able to give to help support the costs of creating nourishing High Holyday experiences, we suggest a donation of $180-$360 for the entire High Holyday season.


  • Registration is REQUIRED to attend any High Holydays services/events (whether in-person or virtual): please register here.

In-Person Information & Protocols (updated as of 8/31/2021):

  • VACCINATION: All in-person attendees ages 12+ must be fully vaccinated or have a medical note (you can note this when you register). If you are choosing not to be vaccinated we ask that you choose virtual services.
  • KIDS: Children under 12 are welcome to attend with their parent or guardian to sit with their family and enjoy the music and experience, play quietly, or to hang out at the Apples & Honey Kids Craft Tent which will be open in the backyard as a childcare area.
  • MASKS: In accordance with the Northampton Board of Health, masks are required for all ages when arriving and walking around outside, AND when indoors at 130 Pine Street for the bathroom or private Sanctuary reflection time (which may be offered in small groups).
  • While seated: Seating will be socially distanced in sets of two; please adjust chairs as needed to fit your group. Vaccinated people may remove their masks when seated for backyard services. Masks may be removed when eating/drinking but please continue to socially distance.
  • There will be a masks-only seating section for those who choose to sit there.
  • Family Service: Children 2+ and their grown-ups are asked to keep their masks on during the Family Service (11-11:30).
  • Service leaders (Rabbi and Singers) will not be masked for portions of the service while leading from the bima area. Shofar blowers will face away from the congregation outside the tent area, towards the trees.
  • Parking is in front of 130 Pine Street, along Pine Street, or the parking lot behind the adjacent Florence Community Center. Please be extra cautious watching for small and large pedestrians (and bears! There really was a bear crossing the street looking for honey one year.).
  • High Holyday Goodie Bags are a joyous gift from Beit Ahavah to YOU! (Our new tradition!) Please get yours at the Welcome table or pick up from the temple next week.